Time Card/Leave Reporting FAQ

Who will this affect?

All employees who currently report their time or leave using a paper-based system. This includes all hourly employees who currently submit time cards, and all monthly employees who currently report leave time. Employees who use the Kronos system will not report time or leave using this system.

How will supervisors approve the time?

Supervisors must approve the hourly time and monthly leave reported using the myGate Luminis system This does not apply to Kronos users.

What happens if my supervisor does not approve my time?

The system can be accessed and the time approved from anywhere. Every employee has a primary approver and an alternate approver (all departments have submitted this information). The time must be approved for the employee to be issued a paycheck.

What happens if I forget to do this or my supervisor forgets?

If the employee/supervisor do not complete pay documents by published deadlines and as a result manual intervention from Payroll is required, a late fee may be charged to your vice president. Specifics of this procedure have not been finalized but all departments will be notified when they are complete.

How do I log on to the new system to report or approve time?

All employees will be issued a special logon for the  myGate system. This will ultimately be the only logon that will be needed for students, faculty or staff. Because important FERPA-protected as well as employment and financial information will be entered, viewed and edited using this system, these login accounts must be transmitted and treated with high security.

How will I learn my unique myGate log-in user ID and Password?

Contact the Service Desk at 270-809-2346.

I keep hearing about the M-Number. What is that?

You may be aware that the university will no longer use social security number as a university ID. The social security number will be replaced by your Murray Number (MNumber). This number will be used in place of the social. It isn’t a password or a login ID – it is just a unique way of identifying all employees. Your M-Number will be printed on all of your paystubs.

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Article ID: 92906
Wed 11/20/19 3:39 PM
Wed 12/11/19 10:02 AM