Submitting Grades and Incomplete Grades in myGate

The following materials will assist you in submitting grades online through myGate. For more help, call the Office of the Registrar at 270-809-5630. View these PDFs on the right under Files. 

Final Grade Submission Tutorial (PDF)
Incomplete Grade Submission Tutorial (PDF)
Midterm Grade Submission Tutorial (PDF) 
Web Grading FAQs (PDF)

Please complete the following steps to submit grades/incomplete grades. 

Submitting Grades

  1. Log in to myGate and click on the Teaching/Advising tab.
  2. Locate the Faculty Grade Assignment channel. Click the drop-down arrow and choose Final Grades.
  3. Click GO.
  4. Click on the icon to the right of the term (green or yellow triangle). A red circle indicates a course with no enrollments.
  5. Begin entering grades for each student. Enter date of last attendance for student's receiving E (failing), I (incomplete) or audit grades.
  6. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the page to submit grades.

Additional Instructions for Incomplete Grades

Once grades are entered, a Final Grade screen will pop-up listing students who received an I (incomplete) grade. Information will include M#, name, final grade extension date and a default grade of E (failing).

What does this Incomplete Final Grade screen mean?
If your student does not submit the agreed upon remaining work by the published deadline to change an incomplete grade (the final grade extension date), myGate will automatically change the grade for you to the default grade shown here after the Incomplete Grade Change date has passed. From this Incomplete Final Grade screen you, the instructor, have the option to change the default grade of E to a different letter grade.

When should an instructor change the default final grade?
During Final Grade Submission if your student has earned enough points for a passing grade without submitting any additional work, you have the option of inputting this grade here. For example, your student has earned enough points for a C grade at this point in time but has not submitted all work. The student has discussed with you the option of an incomplete grade. You have agreed to give the student additional time to submit the missing work. If this work is not submitted by the Incomplete Grade Change deadline, the student's grade will be electronically changed to the default grade you have entered here, after the last day to change an Incomplete Grade.

To change the default final grade:

  1. Click the drop-down arrow on the Final Grade pop-up screen.
  2. Choose the currently earned grade for this student or leave the default failing grade if the student must submit all remaining work.
  3. Click the Submit button.
  4. What happens if the student doesn't complete the additional work necessary for a higher grade?
  5. After the incomplete grade deadline passes, myGate will electronically change the student's grade to the grade you entered on the Incomplete Final Grade screen during Final Grade Submission.

When is the deadline to change the default final grade?
The deadline to change an incomplete grade given for Fall and Winter semesters is March 15 of the following semester;
The deadline to change an incomplete grade given for Spring and Summer semesters is October 15 of the following semester.

For additional information concerning the Incomplete Grade submission process, contact the Office of the Registrar at 270-809-5630 or

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Article ID: 92976
Thu 11/21/19 9:15 AM