Murray State Google Accounts - What to Know & FAQ


Our RacerMail system powered by Google offers many services and applications beyond email.

What does it mean to use RacerMail for these services? 

In the past, users who wanted to use a Google service, like YouTube or Google Maps, had to create a personal Gmail account to sign-in with. Now that those services are part of RacerMail, you can use your email account to access them. NOTE: If you already have a personal Gmail account and you use these services, your settings and content will not be there when you log-in with your RacerMail account. This will be an additional account to use for student/employee-related activities if you choose to.

Are there any issues with using a RacerMail account for Google services? 

Using your RacerMail account for class projects and collaboration will be ideal. Students and employees who who leave the university should be aware that any content created with their account will be deleted when their account is terminated. Most Google services offer a way to migrate, download or share content created with another account later, but users will be responsible for managing and supporting their content. Users creating content for departments or colleges may want to use a departmental email account as the "owner" since these accounts are not deleted. Google Takeout can be used to transfer data and settings to personal accounts.

How long do I get to keep my RacerMail/MSU Google account?

Murray State RacerMail/Google accounts are maintained for current faculty, staff, and students, as well as retirees. Murray State University set business rules to define how long users get to retain access to their RacerMail/MSU Google:

  • Student Google accounts remain active for 2 years after their last semester of courses. A 30-day notice is sent in advance of deletion.
  • Students actively using their Google account for Murray State University-related business may request continued usage. This is only granted for students completing course or program work, such as finishing up a research project, defending a thesis, or completing work with their academic advisor. This information will be verified at the time of the request before continued access is granted.  A 30-day notice is sent in advance of deletion.
  • Employee Google accounts will be deleted 60 days following last paid date of employment. The last paid date of employment is set by Human Resources, and can be found on the Employee Clearance Record from Human Resources. 
  • Retirees will retain access to their MSU email for life..

You can see information about the duration of other MSU accounts (like myGate) in our Accounts, Usernames, and Passwords Guide article.

How do I export all of my Google information?

Most Google services provide a way to export or transfer your content to a personal account. More information can be found on Google's Help Center page.

Where do I go for help with these additional Google services? 

Because of the many services being offered, the Service Desk will not be able to offer detailed support for all services. Users are encouraged to take advantage of Google's excellent online help articles available at

What apps are currently available to me as a Murray State user?

The list of apps available to us constantly changes as Google adds and drops services. To see what is currently available to use in your Murray State University Google account, login to RacerMail, then click the "waffle" icon in the upper-right area close to your name. A brief list of common apps will appear. Click on "More" to see the full list.



Article ID: 13593
Thu 6/2/16 10:42 AM
Fri 3/8/24 11:45 AM

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