racerVision Layout Options


The Service Desk has created several layouts you can choose from. However, we can work with you to create a layout specific to your needs.

Screen Resolutions
Depending on your display, location, and the layout you choose, screen resolutions can be set to 1280x7681360x768 (most used), and 1920x1080.

Layout Content
Most layouts feature 2 or 3 playlist boxes, a weather ticker, current date & time, the racerVsion logo, and an MSU tagline or logo of some sort.

Layout Examples
Any layout can be customized to 2 or 3 playlist boxes, background, tagline, etc. Below are some examples of 3-box layouts and backgrounds


Background Options


Navy/Gold Spotlight Background


Blue Ray Shades


Navy Gradient


Light Blue


Navy Gold Strokes