FERPA Training Online


The university is required to protect student information under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). FERPA governs the way we handle confidential information. All new employees (including student workers) who handle confidential information must complete MSU’s online FERPA training tutorial and quiz. All faculty and staff who have not already completed FERPA training either in person or via the online training, but who currently have or who may have been given electronic access to student information via myGate are required to complete the online training in order to keep or gain access to MSU systems. If you have any questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at msu.registrar@murraystate.edu.

Online FERPA training is offered through Canvas.
Use this url to self-enroll in the training course: 



Article ID: 22874
Wed 1/11/17 4:53 PM
Mon 8/19/24 9:56 AM