Move Distribution Lists from Outlook to RacerMail


Users who try to import their Outlook contacts into RacerMail with a .csv file may notice that distribution lists do not import

The best solution to move your distribution lsits from Outlook to RacerMail is below. Keep in mind that RacerMail calls these Contact Groups instead of Distribution Lists.

  1. In Outlook, open your distribution list, and choose File, then Save As.
  2. Save your file as a Text Only (*.txt) file.
  3. Open the .txt file in Excel.
  4. Delete all the rows above the list of members.
  5. Add a blank row above the list, and create titles for each column (First Name, Last Name, Email Address, etc.)
  6. Save your file as a Comma Separated Value (.csv) file.
  7. In your web browser go to RacerMail. The next few steps will depend on the version of Gmail that you are using. 

    NOTE: How can you tell which version you are using? Visit this Google page for more information. 
    • If you are using the new old version: 
      1. In the upper left hand corner of the page click the 'Mail' drop down button
      2. Click 'Contacts'

      3. Click the 'More' drop down button
      4. Click 'Import' 

      5. Browse to your .csv file and click the box that says "Also add these imported contacts to: "New Group...""
      6. Click Import. You will then be prompted to set a Group Name. 
      7. If RacerMail finds that the contacts already exist as individual contacts it will attempt to merge them instead of creating duplicates. 
    • If you are using the new version: 
      1. Click the 'waffle' icon in the upper right hand corner of the page

      2. You will see a list of various Google apps/sites. Click 'More' at the bottom of the menu

      3. Find 'Contacts.'

        NOTE: If you desire, you can click and hold this icon and drag it to the top of the current menu for easy access later on
      4. Click the Contacts icon. A new tab will open. Click the 'More' drop down button on the left hand side of the page
      5. Click 'Import'

      6. Click 'CSV or vCard file'

      7. Click Import. You will then be prompted to set a Group Name. 
      8. If RacerMail finds that the contacts already exist as individual contacts it will attempt to merge them instead of creating duplicates



Article ID: 23182
Wed 1/18/17 12:54 PM
Tue 11/19/19 10:45 AM