Students who are attending at least three (3) credit hours as a degree seeking student at Murray State University and are concurrently enrolled at another institution(s) may be able to receive federal aid for their combined enrollment.
Students attending MSU (HOME school) who are enrolled for at least 1 course as a degree seeking student and are concurrently enrolled at another institution(s) (HOST school) must submit a concurrent enrollment form for each HOST school where they are enrolled to receive financial aid for those additional hours.
All courses taken at any institution must count toward the student's MSU degree in order to receive Federal funding.
Students complete the student section of the form and then send the document to the financial aid office at the HOST school to complete.
The HOST school will send the completed form to the MSU financial aid office. The MSU financial aid office will route the completed form to the Office of the Registrar to confirm the class(es) will transfer into MSU and apply toward the student's degree.
This process takes approximately 2 weeks.
- To be eligible, the hours enrolled at other institutions must transfer into MSU and count toward their degree.
- Students must submit a completed Concurrent Enrollment form for each school in which they are enrolled to be considered for loan and Pell eligibility.
- If a student withdraws or ceases attendance of any course at any of the institutions, they may lose financial aid eligibility for that semester.
- Students should speak with a financial aid advisor for additional guidance prior to dropping any course for which they are receiving aid.
You can find the Concurrent Enrollment Form on the right side of the screen under files.