Reopening a Course for an Incomplete

If a student has an incomplete grade for a course, the following steps will allow them to (a) access the course past the term/course end date and (b) submit missing assessments after the original due date has passed.

Opening a Canvas Course for an Incomplete:

  1. Open the course and click on settings

  2. Next to “Participation”, select “Course” from the drop-down box

  3. Enter an appropriate date in the End Date field (this is when the course will close for the student with an incomplete)

  4. Click “Update Course Details”




Extending an Assignment or Quiz:

  1. Navigate to the assignment and click “Edit”

  2. In the assignment details, find the “Assign to” setting

  3. Click “Add+”

  4. Add the student's name and appropriate due date

  5. Click “Save”