Murray State University is committed to creating a safe environment for our faculty, staff and students. In an effort to provide a safe and supportive environment for all people, it is necessary to annually raise awareness on ways to be safe and comply with federal law.
Our responsibility is to proactively seek ways to educate and inform our campus population about the dangers of sexual harassment and sexual discrimination. To this end we have partnered with United Educators to provide a free online training available to all campus users through Canvas. Please take a few minutes to complete all Title IX training modules that are most applicable to you in your current role at Murray State: student, staff, supervisor, faculty, or faculty supervisor. A record of those that have completed the training will be maintained by the Title IX Coordinator and shared with the appropriate offices and individuals across campus.
If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the Title IX coordinator at
The online training is in Canvas for faculty, staff, and students.
Students, to access training modules:
1. Go to Canvas and log in.
2. Locate the Harassment Prevention Training course under the Courses menu at the top of the page. You may need to click on "View All Courses".
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to view training material and complete summary assessments.
Faculty and Staff, to access the training modules:
1. Login to Canvas.
2. Locate the Harassment Prevention Training course under the Courses menu at the top of the page. You may need to click on "View All Courses".
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to view training material and complete summary assessments.