These instructions will walk all instructors through setting up a Canvas assignment to be used through TurnItIn.
1. Login to Canvas and access your course. For an existing assignment, click on the assignment you wish to use with TurnItIn, then click "Edit" at the top. To create a new assignment, click the "+ Assignment" button and proceed to the next step.
2. Scroll down to the "Submission Type" box and make sure "Online" is selected from the dropdown menu. You will need to select "Text Entry" and/or "File Uploads" below "Online Entry Options".
NOTE: For file uploads, the recommended file submission types are .doc,.docx,.pdf.

3. Select the dropdown to the right of “Plagiarism Review” and choose "TurnItIn".

4. Once TurnItIn has been selected, the TurnItIn options will appear. This may take a few seconds to load.
5. If needed, select whether or not to submit the paper to the TurnItIn Repository. If you don’t want the paper submitted, choose “Do not store the submitted papers.” from the drop down.
6. Once you have finished customizing the options for this TurnItIn Assignment, click “Save” or “Save and Publish” at the bottom of the page in Canvas.