Advanced Finds

Tags Recruiter

Advanced finds can be wonderful tools for reporting, communications, identifying specific groups of applicants, and many other useful tasks.  

As helpful as they are, creating the filter and the fields used for your data can be quite tricky and misleading if not coded properly and can be your worst enemy with inaccurate data.  For this reason, we ask that you contact your Recruiter support staff to assist you with building your finds.  If you let us know what you are looking for and what information needs to be included in your results, we'll build a view to share with you/your area and let you know how it can be modified for future usage.

Basic custom finds for your area may already been shared with you, and can be used immediately. 

Running/Exporting Advanced Finds

Data from advanced finds can be saved as Excel files to your computer. View the Running & Exporting Advanced Finds instructions (PDF) on the right under Files.

Sharing Advanced Finds

Advanced finds that have you have created or that have been previously shared with you can be shared with other users. View the Sharing Advanced Finds instructions (PDF) on the right under Files.