Releasing Advisor Holds

Primary Academic Advisors can release Advising holds for students within myGate.  Here are the steps:

1.  Log in to myGate
2.  Click on the Teaching/Advising tab
3.  Enter the student's M# or Last and First name in the Student Search channel.
4.  Locate the advisee.
5.  In the center column, click on the Release Advisor Hold link in red.  If a student does not have a hold it will appear like this-  Advisor Holds: none

Once the hold has been released, the page will reload and display-  Advisor Holds: none


If you release an advisor hold in error, please contact the Office of the Registrar at (270) 809-3776 or email requesting the advising hold to be replaced.

Can anyone else release a student's advising hold?
YES. The student's academic department Chair, college Assistant Dean, or Dean of student's major can release the advising hold in place of the advisor.

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