Studio is a cloud-based video capture tool integrated into the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Zoom can be used inside Canvas courses, or accessed through the global Account menu.
A tutorial for using Studio to create or upload videos is found at:
(Faculty) How do I find Studio in my Canvas Courses?
Studio can be used in any Canvas course. There are two links: A course link inside a course in the course menu and a global link in the left global (account) menu.
What's the difference between the course menu and the global (account) menu?
The global menu gives you access to all videos created by the teacher or uploaded by the teacher into any course in any semester. The course menu takes you to the video files that were recorded into that course, or uploaded to that course.
How do I find videos for use in my courses?
You can record a video directly into a course or into your Global account folder with the Studio software with a webcam, an external digital video camera or by capturing your computer screen. You can also create video with other video recording software, or download videos from ZOOM and upload them into studio. The format when you record in Studio is mp4. A list of compatible file formats can be found at: You can also use Studio to create a link to a YouTube video (this does not download the video but creates a thumbnail that links to the YouTube video. If the video is deleted from YouTube you will lose access to the video.)
Can I record video from a webcam and from my screen at the same time?
Yes, you can choose a camera/webcam, screen or both as an option when you start the recording process.
Can videos created in Studio be edited in Studio?
Yes. A version of Screencast-o-matic software is bundled with Studio. As of now this can only be accessed immediately after recording the video. It is recommended that you download the free version of Screencast-o-matic if you expect to edit a recorded video at a later date.
How do I add an existing Studio video into an assignment, discussion, page or quiz, etc.?
Once your videos are in Studio they can be added to a page or assignment, etc. in any of your courses in Canvas through the Rich Content Editor found in the edit menu. Select the V (more external tools) link in the rich content editor, then select the Canvas Studio link, and double-click your video and save.
Is there a time restriction on the length of videos?
No, but tutorial videos are best at under 10 minutes. A longer video should be broken into shorter pieces to make viewing and editing easier.
How long will my recordings stay in Canvas?
As long as you want the video there and Murray State is still using Canvas as the LMS. However good file management is important as extra storage costs money. Back up your videos to your computer, external hard drive or Google drive as you create them. Remove any unused obsolete videos from Studio as soon as you know that you won’t need them. At the end of the school year check your global folder and delete any videos that you don’t need.
Getting Started and Support
Getting Started on Windows or Mac with Studio:
For additional assistance or questions not answered here, please use our Zoom Support service request.