Getting Started with Zoom


Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing tool integrated into the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Zoom can be used inside Canvas courses, or accessed at using your Murray State myGate credentials.

Creating a Zoom Account

Basic Accounts (Students and Staff)
All staff and students at Murray State are entitled to a basic account. To create a basic account or to login to an existing account, go to with your Murray State myGate credentials. Students should be using their Murray State Zoom account for participating in courses provided at Murray State.

Licensed Accounts (Faculty) 
Faculty licensed accounts will be automatically created the first time you schedule and start a Zoom meeting inside a Canvas course. If a faculty has an existing basic account, it will be converted to a licensed account.
NOTE: Students are not eligible for a licensed account. Only users listed as an instructor in a Canvas course will receive a licensed account.

Staff who have a valid work-related reason for requesting a Licensed account can do so by using the Zoom Support service request.

Installing and Accessing Zoom

Faculty and students who need to access Zoom for a class can do so from within their Canvas course. If a student has trouble finding the Zoom links in their Canvas course(s), the student will need to contact the faculty member for instructions. If you do not already have Zoom installed, Zoom will prompt you to download the software when you click on the Zoom link within Canvas.

Non-Academic Use
Departments and other Murray State faculty, staff, and students who need to use Zoom outside of Canvas can download the Zoom client automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting. You can also download the latest version by going to You may also log into Zoom from a web browser by going to and signing in with your Murray State credentials.

Zoom FAQ

(Faculty) How do I add/find Zoom in my Canvas Courses?
Zoom can be added into your course navigation menu in Canvas following the instructions in our "Adding Zoom to your course navigation menu" article  It is a simple process to add Zoom to any course through the Settings menu.

What's the best way to access Zoom for Canvas class work?
For class work, MSU recommends Faculty create and access their Zoom meetings from inside their Canvas course, providing easy access for students. External guests can be added to your invitation.

For non-academic purposes, Zoom meetings can be created and accessed from Users will need to login with their myGate credentials. 

What if I previously had a Zoom account associated with my Murray State email address?
Your existing Zoom account associated with your Murray State email address will be rolled into the campus license. If you, as an individual or a department, previously paid for a Licensed copy then the Murray State University's Academic Application Solutions team has already moved your account under the Murray State license. Your account status and Personal Meeting ID will remain the same.

Along these same lines, any new account created with email addresses will fall under the campus-wide license.

Is there a time restriction on meetings?
For basic users in a meeting with more than 2 users, the time limit is 40 minutes. For instructors/Licensed account holders, the limit is 24 hours. Basic accounts for students or faculty when used through a Canvas course will not have a 40 minute time restriction imposed.

How long will my cloud recordings stay in the cloud?
MSU recommends users to record their Zoom meetings directly to their local computer and then store the recording in Google Drive. If you record directly to the Zoom cloud, there is a 120-day storage limit before the recording is automatically purged. It is the user’s responsibility to move and backup these recordings. Zoom will not notify you when the 120 day period is over. 

Best practice is to back up cloud recordings within a week, or record locally on your computer. We recommend using your Google Drive associated with your Murray State email account to backup videos recorded locally or in the cloud.

Getting Started and Support

Getting Started on Windows or Mac with Zoom:

For help with all things Zoom, please see Zoom's video tutorials at

For additional assistance or questions not answered here, please use our Zoom Support service request.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Zoom is a web conferencing and capture tool. It is available through Canvas or as a standalone application.

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