- Knowledge Base
- Administrative Offices Procedures & Forms
- Accounting and Financial Services
- Accounting
This article contains procedures for travel, as well as, request and voucher forms
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative Offices Procedures & Forms
- Accounting and Financial Services
- Payroll
- Student EPAFs
Article contains the Payroll Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) Access Request Form.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative Offices Procedures & Forms
- Human Resources
- Forms (Human Resources)
Use this HR form to request access to MSU resources for a Visiting Scholar, Racer Academy Instructor, Military Cadre, and others who are not employed by the University but are doing work on the University's behalf.
- Knowledge Base
- Administrative Offices Procedures & Forms
- Accounting and Financial Services
- Budget
Article contains the New Position Request for creating a new faculty position or changing faculty rank on an existing position.