Managing Participants in a Zoom Meeting


As the host of a Zoom meeting, you have the option to manage participants. This article will highlight the various controls you have to manage the participants in your meeting and help to host secure, smooth, and efficient Zoom Meetings.

Please note: the following participant controls are now enabled and locked for all Zoom meetings scheduled by Murray State Zoom Users:

  • Participants are automatically muted upon entry. They will need to unmute themselves or be unmuted by you, the host.

  • All meeting invitees will be placed in a waiting room prior to you, the host, admitting them to join. Only admit students whose names you recognize. See instructions below for more about waiting rooms or Using Zoom's Waiting Room Feature.

  • By default, only the host can share their screen, unless the host manually allows screen-sharing by changing the meeting settings to allow all participants to share their screens.

Managing Participants:

Allow Participant Screen Sharing:

  • In the meeting toolbar, select the arrow next to the green “Share Screen” button and select “Advanced Sharing Options"


  • In the “Advanced Sharing Options…” window, under “Who can share?” select “All Participants”




Opening the participants menu: In your Zoom Meeting, you will find the “Manage Participants” option in the toolbar. Clicking on this will bring up the “Participants” menu. (Both shown below).





Letting students into your Zoom meeting from the waiting room:

  • When a student joins your meeting, you will see a notification on your toolbar and/or in the “Participants” window, giving you the option to admit or remove them. (Both shown below)

  • For more on Waiting Rooms, see Using Zoom's Waiting Room Feature.




Muting/Unmuting Participants:

  • Mute/Unmute one Participant: Move your mouse over a participant’s name in the Participants window, and click the “Mute/Unmute” button.
  • Mute/Unmute all Participants: In the participants window, below the list of users, click Mute/Unmute All (See Screenshot Below)




More Participant Control Options:

In the “Participants” window, you can move your mouse over a participants name, and click “More,” which will bring up the following menu options:

  • Chat: this allows you to send a direct message to that participant.

  • Stop participants video OR Ask to Start Video: Stop participants video will turn off their video feed if they have it on. Conversely, “Ask to Start Video” will ask them to turn on their video feed.

  • Make Host/Co-Host: this will allow you to assign a co-host role to various participants of the meeting. As a co-host, a participant has some--but not all-- meeting controls of a host, including screen-sharing and recording locally. You can assign and revoke a co-hosting role as the host. More on co-hosting here: Host and Co-Host Controls in a Meeting.

  • Rename: This will allow you to edit the name the participant has given themselves upon joining the meeting.

  • Put in Waiting Room: This allows you to put a student back in the waiting room and subsequently re-admit them. 

  • Remove: This will remove a user from the meeting. Note: once you remove a user from a meeting, they will not be able to rejoin that meeting.


At the bottom of the Participant list, you can access additional meeting options by clicking “More” (Shown Below).


  • Mute participants upon entry: Note: this setting is turned ON by default but can be changed by unchecking this menu option within the meeting.

  • Allow participants to unmute themselves: Checking this allows participants to unmute themselves.

  • Allow participants to rename themselves: Checking this allows participants to change their screen name that is displayed.

  • Play enter/exit chime: Checking this will play a sound to notify you that a participant has entered or left the meeting.

  • Lock meeting: This will prevent any other students from joining the meeting in progress. Note: with the waiting room feature enabled and, students will not be able to enter the waiting room once a meeting is locked.




Related Articles:

Zoom SSO and Profile Settings

Securing Zoom Meetings: Best Practices

Using Zoom's Waiting Room Feature



Additional Support

For additional information on using Zoom, please view our Zoom Video Conferencing articles.

If you need technical assistance with Zoom, use our "Zoom Support" service request.