COEHS Student Worker/Graduate Assistant Account Support

Student Worker/Graduate Assistant (SW/GA) accounts are required for student workers and graduate assistants employed by the College of Education and Human Services (COEHS). These accounts grant access to COEHS devices and resources.

Activation/Reactivation - SW/GA accounts require activation or reactivation each semester. To facilitate a seamless start, please submit this request at least one week before the semester begins. Use this work order for mid-semester hires as well.

Please Note: If an SW/GA works over breaks, please specify this in the work order.

Deactivation - At the end of the semester, all SW/GA accounts are automatically deactivated. However, if an SW/GA is terminated/leaves service prior to the end of the semester, please use this work order to deactivate their account. This disables access to drives, printers, and other college resources.

Deactivated accounts remain inactive for two semesters before permanent deletion.

How to make this request: To ensure accurate and efficient account management, please submit a separate work order for each individual SW/GA account. Grouping accounts can cause delays and errors, making it challenging to ensure that each account is handled properly.

SW/GA account requests must be submitted by the respective supervisor to ensure proper authorization and accountability for access.

Contact Us - For assistance or questions regarding activation, reactivation, or deactivation, please contact the KATE office at 270-809-5360. Our team is here to help.